New Delhi: Gold prices declined by Rs 100 on Monday. The price of 10 grams of 24 carat gold in India today stood at 47,100 as against its previous close of Rs 47,200. On the other hand, the rate of 10 grams of 22-carat gold was trading at 51,380 as against its previous close of Rs 51,490. 


In the international market, Gold prices eased on Monday due to an uptick in the U.S. bond yields, although expectations around less-aggressive Federal Reserve rate-hike trajectory dented the dollar and kept bullion near a three-week high. Spot gold was down 0.3% at $1,760.53 per ounce, as of 0533 GMT. Bullion hovered near its highest level since July 6 at $1,767.79 scaled on Friday, said a Reuters report.

Here are the indicative price of 22 Carat Gold Today, 01 August 2022, in major Indian cities (except GST, TCS, and other levies): 

Chennai : Rs 47,950

Mumbai : Rs 47,100

Delhi : Rs 47,250

Kolkata : Rs 47,100

Bangalore : Rs 47,150

Hyderabad : Rs 47,100

Kerala : Rs 47,100

Ahmedabad : Rs 47,150

Jaipur : Rs 47,250

Lucknow : Rs 47,250

Patna : Rs 47,130

Chandigarh : Rs 47,250

Bhubaneswar : Rs 47,100

Gold prices rose by Rs 255 to Rs 51,783 per 10 grams in the national capital in line with strong global cues on Friday. The precious metal had closed at Rs 51,528 per 10 grams in the previous trade. Silver also surged by Rs 1,610 to Rs 58,387 per kg from Rs 56,777 per kg in the previous trade.

(Disclaimer: The prices are just indicative collected from various sources. You must collate the price with your jeweller before investing/purchasing.)