Kolkata, Nov 16: Union Minister of State for Small Scale Industries and Development of North East region Tapan Sikdar today stressed the need for strengthening health infrastructure in West Bengal to contain the ''increasing lapses and dismal performances'' in medical services. ''State government cannot afford to neglect this vital department and its most essential services to people'', Sikdar told newsmen here.

Blaming the state government for its 'poor budgetary allocation' in health sector, Sikdar regretted how the services in the department could be strengthened with such allocation.

''If the entire allocation is being spent only for employees' salary purpose, how the health infrastructure could be strengthened'', the Central minister wondered. The health services sector deserved more attention, more care and more allocation for its immediate uplift and restructuring for the benefit of entire population, particularly the poor, Sikdar observed.

The state government could even take help of the private participation in the sector to overcome the fund crunch and boost faster improvement in health infrastructure, he said.

Bureau Report