Lucknow, Aug 27: BJP today said that its decision to have an alliance with BSP in Uttar Pradesh was well intentioned though it turned out to be politically incorrect. "Our intention was right. To ward off another election we went for an alliance with bsp, but our decision was not right," BJP state president Vinay Katyar told reporters here today.

"We helped Mayawati in becoming the chief minister of the state thrice with a view to inculcating a sense of confidence and pride among the deprived section of the society, whom Mayawati claims to represent, he said.

But unfortunately our aspirations did not come true and the chasm between us widened, Katiyar said, adding that "we were left with a more difficult task of bridging the gap among the different sections of the society".
Katiyar said that the BJP would soon launch a campaign to undo the damage and take out yatras and hold rallies across the state in September.

Commenting on the prevalent political scenario, Katiyar said that as decided by our parliamentary board, in its meeting in new delhi yesterday, the BJP would play the role of an active opposition if an alternative government was formed in the state.

He said that the ball was in the court of the Governor Vishnu Kant Shastri.

"We will welcome whatever decision he takes," Katiyar said.

Bureau Report