Team India and Chennai Super Kings all-rounder Deepak Chahar is set to tie the knot with his fiancé Jaya Bhardwaj in Agra on Wednesday (June 1). Chahar, who missed the entire IPL 2022 due to injury, was seen enjoying himself with Jaya during the mehendi and sangeet ceremony organised in Agra on Tuesday (May 31)


Deepak and Jaya were seen practicing dance for the last few days for the Sangeet program, which took place on Tuesday evening. The wedding is going to take place on Wednesday evening at 9PM and CSK skipper MS Dhoni is expected to be present for it along with his wife Sakshi. Entire Jaypee Palace hotel in Agra has been booked for the Deepak Chahar wedding.

See cousin Rahul Chahar’s Instagram Story from Deepak Chahar and Jaya Bhardwaj’s Sangeet here…

While the wedding will take place on Wednesday June 1, different rituals are set to take place from Tuesday. The wedding ceremony will be attended by close friends and family members, as per report.

Mehandi ceremony will take place at 6 PM while the Haldi ceremony will take place at 10 AM in the morning of Wednesday. The reception ceremony will be hosted at Delhi’s Kamal Mahal in ITC Maurya Hotel.

Delhi is also the hometown of Jaya Bhardwaj, who resides at Barakhamba Road. Top stars from CSK as well as Team India including Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma are expected to attend the ceremony.

As per report, 60 cricketers have been invited for the ceremony with the drills on going for the ceremony in marriage hall. The theme of the wedding ceremony is named as ‘The Royal Grandeur’.

The royal theme ceremony is going to be the main attraction of the wedding theme.