Ruturaj Gaikwad, the opening batsman from Maharashtra, captured the attention of the internet on Monday first with his brilliant batting and then with his amazing gesture to teammate Rajvardhan Hangargekar. Gaikwad received the man of the match award after smashing an unbroken 220-run knock in the Vijay Hazare Trophy quarterfinal against Uttar Pradesh which also includes seven sixes in one over. He helped Maharashtra in winning the match by 58 runs and moving on to the semifinal of the competition.

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As Maharashtra scored 330-5 in their respective 50 overs, Ruturaj Gaikwad struck an unbeaten 220 runs in 159 balls, including 10 boundaries and a record-tying 16 sixes. Later, they bowled Uttar Pradesh out for a total of 272 runs.

With a five-wicket haul, Rajvardhan Hangargekar stood out among Maharashtra's bowlers. Ruturaj was named Man of the Match after the game, but in a display of pure class, he requested that Hangargekar, with whom he shared the honour, be called to the stage.

With his gesture, the 25-year-old Chennai Super Kings (CSK) starter captured the attention of online users, who praised him for his poise. Maharashtra earned a spot in the Vijay Hazare Trophy 2022 semifinal, where they will compete against Assam. It should be an exciting match between the two teams and their two talismans after Riyan Parag also scored 174 runs to help his team advance to the semifinals.