New York, May 25: It could have been a cat-astrophe, but Meow Mix Cat Food chief executive officer Richard Thompson is recovering - with his sense of humour intact - after being bitten by a rottweiler.
The encounter happened just as Thompson is about to launch "Meow TV," a half-hour, feline-friendly comedy on cable's Oxygen network that features cat yoga, cat haiku and sporadic video of squirrels and fish.

Thompson said he was walking on the upper east side about a week ago when the dog bit him on his backside. His wound was bandaged at a hospital, and Thompson said Friday he's still finding it difficult to sit comfortably.
"He was hungry," Thompson joked in an interview with the press. "I'm still convinced the dog knew who I was - 'top cat' of the Meow Mix Co. - and he didn't get invited to the 'Meow TV' opening," he said. "I think the dogs had a conspiracy against me."
Thompson said he filed a police report about the dog, which was on a leash and with its owner, but he expects nothing will come of it.

Bureau Report