London, Dec 05: Manchester United manager Alex Ferguson underwent treatment in hospital on Thursday for a minor heart complaint, the English Premier League champions said in a statement.
''Sir Alex received treatment in hospital today following a routine check-up several months ago which revealed a minor heart irregularity,'' said United spokesman Paddy Harverson.
''The procedure went well and Sir Alex is resting at home and is due back at work tomorrow (Friday).
''The treatment revealed he has no underlying problems.''
Ferguson, 61, has been in charge at United since 1986 and has led the Old Trafford side to a host of major honours, including eight Premier League titles and Champions League success.

The Scot extended his contract in a three-year deal in February 2002 after changing his mind about retiring.

Ferguson is the latest high-profile soccer manager to suffer heart problems. Liverpool boss Gerard Houllier underwent open heart surgery two years ago. The Frenchman was taken to hospital after feeling unwell during his side's Premier League match against Leeds in October, 2001 and underwent an 11-hour operation later that day. He returned to his job for a 2-0 Champions League win over AS Roma six months later.

In recent years Blackburn Rovers boss Graeme Souness and former Wimbledon boss Joe Kinnear have also suffered serious heart problems. Souness had a triple heart bypass operation in 1992 while manager at Liverpool.

Bureau Report