Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf has said that he takes home only the salary of the chief of army, even though he was entitled for a second salary as the chief executive of Pakistan, while his wife maintained she runs the house on shoe-string budget of Rs 15,000 per month. "We eat and live on our own money. Contrary to what Benazir Bhutto says. I only get one salary-as Army Chief. Not long ago I read a report in a newspaper about the house that I built in Karachi. It is an ordinary house and money required for construction has left me under heavy debt," he said.
"I do not know anything about the household expenditure. I do not even question what she does with money," Gen Musharraf intervened to speak about his family and personal life when his wife Sehba was being interviewed by a newspaper. Sehba says, even after Gen Musharraf took over as the chief executive, the Musharraf household is run with the General's salary. Pervez gives me Rs 15,000 per month for the household budget.
The tough talking General, acclaimed for his immaculate communicative skills in English, blushingly admitted that his teacher-trained wife helped him improve his English. "Personally (amidst a lot of embarrassed laughter and blushes) I think I have improved my English because of her. She is a very knowledgeable person, extremely homely as a wife. I am more outgoing, an extrovert. She is comfortable in whatever environment she is in," Musharraf said in an interview to Pakistan newspaper conducted before he took over as President.
Bureau Report