Mumbai, Aug 25: As part of the ongoing Indo-French naval cooperation, two French naval ships will arrive here on an eight-day visit beginning today, French consulate said. The two naval ships, the destroyer `Dupleix' and the supply and command ship `Marne' will have joint exercise at `Varuna 03' where emphasis will be laid on the anti-submarine warfare, the consulate said in a release.

Dupliex specialises in anti-submarine warfare and is under the command of Captain Jardin. Marne has 185 sailors on board. Rear Admiral Richard Wilmot-Roussel on board Marne, has a double mission---operational control of the French ships present in the Indian Ocean and in charge of the international relations and follow up of the agreements between France and countries of the Indian Ocean, the release added.

As Indian Ocean zone plays a key role in the international affairs and international exchanges, the supply and command ship Marne, which is also the flagship of the Admiral, commanding the French naval forces in the Indian Ocean (Alindien) has been deployed in the area. Both Marne and Alindien also have double mission--- operational presence and representation of French authorities, the release added.

Bureau Report