Washington, Sept 28: Russian President Vladimir Putin counts India and China as having a special place in world history, calling them "interesting models" to learn from. In a freewheeling conversation he had with western correspondents in Camp David, Putin when asked whom he admires most began by saying he admires his mother most and then proceeded to name a host of world leaders and countries including the US, India and China.
"World history has given us a heritage and legacy of very successful and less successful and efficient leaders. In this rank such personalities as Churchill, Charles Degaulle in France, Ludwig Erhard in West Germany, Peter Stolypin in Russia, they occupy a special place," he said.
The Russian President said he was also impressed by American leaders, adding "I am greatly impressed by the American experience. Over such a historically short period of time, it has achieved outstanding results."
About Israel, Putin said, "Again, this is fantastic -- they not only restored a state, they also restored a dead language, which had been like Latin."
The Far East also provides "interesting models" like India and China, he said, concluding with "so there is a variety of decent, intelligent, interesting people."
Bureau Report