New Delhi, July 11: In a significant order, Venkataswami Commission today asked the Tehelka news portal to produce before it the equipment, including cameras, used in the sting operation to expose corruption in defence deals. The commission issued the directive to the portal to after considering the demands made by former Samata Party president Jaya Jaitly and some defence officials seeking a "close inspection" of the equipment used in the operation.
The news portal agreed to produce the same but raised an objection of the extent of "inspection" of the equipment in terms of operations and other technical aspects.
Tehelka counsel Kavin Gulati said the equipment will be produced only for a look and not for close inspection. Meanwhile, the portal's investigation editor Anirudh Bahal, who was questioned for the fifth consecutive day here, said defence official P Shashi had given them some defence documents which were later submitted by the portal to army court of inquiry.
Denying suggestion made by Shashi's counsel Hariharan that the "so called expose" was done with profit making motive, Bahal said had somebody offered them more than what Zee Network had given them for the telecast of the expose they would have accepted it but during the expose the aim was never profit making.
Bureau Report