Washington, July 10: About 1,50,000 US troops stationed in Iraq would have to be maintained "for the foreseeable future," recently retired General Tommy Franks, who was in overall command of the troops in Afghanistan and Iraq wars, has said. His comments before the senate armed services committee yesterday was in sharp contrast to prewar statements by the White House that U.S. would be able to turn over the country to the Iraqis, maintain a token force and withdraw quickly.
Meanwhile, Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said Washington hopes to share the cost and responsibility of the ongoing military occupation in Iraq with a coalition of countries, NATO members playing a key role.
"We've got 19 countries on the ground, we've got commitment from another 19," Rumsfeld said at a hearing of the senate armed services committee yesterday.
"Italy and Spain have both made commitments," said Rumsfeld who said he expected additional deployments of foreign troops beginning in September.

Bureau Report