Al Jazeera television has released pictures of young boys apparently visiting the charred wreckage of a U-S military helicopter.
The Taliban claims to have shot down on Saturday a helicopter in Ghazni, where Al Jazeera say the pictures were filmed on Monday.
The Qatar based broadcaster identified some of the boys as sons of Osama bin Laden. This cannot independently verified.

One of the children, named as Hamza bin Laden by the newsreader, recited a poem about Taliban leader Mullah Mohammad Omar, calling him the lion of Kabul.
Two others were named as Laden bin Laden and Mohammed bin Laden.


The children were shown being schooled by adults who told the boys that U-S soldiers were inherently weak.
One man told the children in English that American soldiers were only strong in Hollywood films and not in real life.
Some of the children held hand guns defiantly above their heads but the same children could be seen later racing each other in playful exuberance.

Washington said it has not lost a single aircraft to hostile fire in nearly five weeks of bombing.
The U-S military denied an aircraft was downed.
The Pentagon said one of its helicopters crashed because of bad weather but that all the crew were rescued.
Bureau Report