New Delhi, May 26: Rashtriya Mukti Morcha, which has challenged Congress President Sonia Gandhi's citizenship, today urged the Delhi High Court to implead her as a party to the petition. After a brief hearing, a division bench of Chief Justice B C Patel and Justice B D Ahmed posted RMM's impleadment application and the main petition for hearing on July 20.
Earlier, Centre's counsel P P Malhotra pointed out that the issue of Sonia's citizenship has already been settled in Hari Shanker Jain case.
Malhotra's submission was contradicted by RMM counsel P N Lekhi who clarified that the supreme court judgement in Jain's case was on Section 5 of citizenship act while his petition was relating to Article 5 of the constitution.
"Constitution is not an ordinary statute, which comes and goes. Constitution exists even after 89 amendments," Lekhi argued.
Bureau Report