New Delhi, Sept 22: To the lament of many who treasure the quirky richness of Indian English, Indian newspapers now rarely carry reports of cabinet ministers "airdashing" to a crucial meeting.
Also, most Indians no longer "prepone" an appointment -- they just schedule it earlier. And thinkers are not "thoughters" any more.
But there are still some quaint words and mutations from the collision of languages in the once brightest jewel of the imperial crown that have escaped the flattening reach of "universal English".

They have been recorded by Nigel Hankin, a lanky Englishman who has lived in India for half a century, in his book, Hanklyn-Janklin.

Just published in a fourth edition, it is a modern-day successor to the English classic Hobson-Jobson, Sir Henry Yule's dictionary of Anglo-Indian words that first appeared in 1886. Hankin, a still vigorous 83, first came to India as a soldier en route to the Burmese front. But before he reached his destination, World War Two ended and he returned to India to do "odd jobs" for the British High Commission. It was there in the 1960s he got his idea for what became his life's work.

"A doctor at the British High Commission in Delhi gave me a list of 20 Indian words he'd read in his newspaper and asked me what they meant," Hankin recalls.

"I suddenly thought if he wants to know, others might too."

Two decades after he began collecting "Hindostanee" words, the first edition of Hanklyn was published, a collection of terms of Indian and English origin and their hybrids.

The book presents a world in which criminals are "miscreants" who "abscond" rather than evade capture, young men who whistle at women are "eve-teasers", drivers put suitcases in the car "dicky" rather than the trunk and plans "fructify".
The book is more than a mere glossary. As its subtitle says, it's also "A Stranger's Rumble-Tumble Guide to Some Words, Customs and Quiddities Indian and Indo-British" -- an insider's guide to the Indian way of life, past and rituals that make the country so intriguing to foreigners. Rumble tumble was British army slang for scrambled eggs, and quiddity means the "distinctive peculiarity of a thing" from the Latin "quid est?" or "what is it?".

"I didn't want the book to be just a dictionary. I wanted people to learn about India, its people -- to give meaning to facets of life which otherwise might seem perplexing," said Hankin, whose book has been praised by leading news magazine India Today as perfect for "a lazy afternoon's read". Bureau Report