Srinagar, Mar 30: The Hurriyat Conference today demanded a probe, either by international agencies or domestic organisations, into the recent massacre of 24 Kashmiri panditsin Pulwama saying the incident was aimed at maligning the separatist movement in the state. "If there is any hurdle in getting this incident investigated by international agencies, then there are committees within India capable of performing the job in an impartial manner," former Hurriyat Conference chairman Mirwaiz Umer Farooq said.
He said "how long we can bear such wild and gruesome killings?"
The people of Jammu and Kashmir would extend full cooperation to such probes, he said claiming the separatist movement in the state was indigenous. "It is the joint struggle of people of Jammu and Kashmir," he said.
Expressing shock after hearing the eyewitness accounts of the Nadimarg massacre, the Mirwaiz said "one cannot imagine that people are still being killed brutally in the civilized world," said.
On the killing of former Hizbul Mujahideen commander Abdul Majid Dar last week, Mirwaiz said it was equally unfortunate and condemnable.
Coming down heavily on the US for its attack on Iraq, he said it was open aggression. "For the past ten days, more than 350 innocent people were killed, thousands wounded and property worth millions destroyed in the bombardment on Iraq."
He also attacked the United Nations for its failure to play a positive role to avoid the war. "It (the UN) has lost its utility and should be disbanded," he said. Bureau Report