Mexico, July 25: Actor Arnold Schwarzenegger, promoting his new Terminator movie in Mexico, on Thursday called for tougher laws against film and music piracy. A journalist at a news conference presented Schwarzenegger with a pirated DVD of his "Terminator 3; Rise of the Machines," bought from a Mexico City street vendor before the film was even released in the country.

"We need stricter laws so that the people who do this (piracy) are treated the same way as somebody who steals something," said Schwarzenegger, who is considering running for governor of California.
U.S. film and television studios this week unveiled plans for their largest public awareness campaign against digital piracy, which they say threatens the industry with extinction and the loss of thousands of jobs.
In Mexico, pirated CDs, DVDs and video cassettes are openly available on street stalls throughout the nation's cities.
The "Terminator 3" movie led the field during the July 4 U.S. holiday weekend, grabbing the No. 1 slot with $44 million worth of ticket sales.
Bureau Report