Jammu, July 22: A lesser-known militant outfit, al Shuhda brigade, today claimed responsibility for the attack on army camp at Akhnoor here in which seven soldiers and two ultras were killed. The attack on the camp was carried out to protest visiting Pakistani opposition leader Fazal-ur Rahman remarks that Line of Control should be converted into a permanent border and Kashmir issue should be resolved within the framework of Simla agreement, a hand written press release faxed by the outfit from Srinagar to a news agency office here said. Al Shuhda brigade wants to make Rahman realise that his statements would have no bearing on "Jehad" in Kashmir, the outfit said. "We are of the view that self-seeking Muslims have always damaged the cause of Islam and Fazal-ur Rahman is the chip of the old block. He has hurt the feelings of Kashmiri Muslims," the release said. Bureau Report