New Delhi, Feb 24: In a show of strength on the Ayodhya issue, thousands of VHP-affiliated religious leaders today held a `Dharam Sansad` near the Parliament House here flaying political parties and threatening to intensify their stir if the "undisputed" land was not returned by March 25. On the third and concluding day of the VHP-backed meeting, religious leaders alongwith Bajrang Dal activists marched towards parliament carrying tridents, placards and shouting pro-temple slogans but were stopped by security personnel near Parliament Street police station.

Describing the agitational programme as the "last religious war", VHP firebrand leader Praveen Togadia warned that if the construction of the Ram Temple was not allowed at the earliest "every village would be turned into Ayodhya." For the second consecutive day, he exhorted congress to support the temple cause and promised two-thirds majority to any party coming forward.

"We don`t hate you (congress). We love all those who love Ram Lalla," Togadia declared. He had yesterday said that VHP was not in the politics of making BJP win or Congress lose.
Mercurial Ram Janambhoomi Nyas chief Paramhamsa Ramchandra Das, who had threatened to commit suicide ahead of the `shilaadan` programme last year, today warned that he would carry the building material on his head and proceed to "undsiputed site" if it was not returned by March 25.

VHP had on Saturday announced a mass awareness `Dilli chalo` programme from march 5-24 culminating in a protest rally in Delhi on March 27. It had also announced country-wide protests on February 27, the first anniversary of the Godhra massacre.

Bureau Report