Islamabad, May 08: Paying glowing tributes to Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee for his peace initiative to normalise relations with Pakistan, US Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage said the Indian Prime Minister was a man of peace. Replying to a question on the motives that prompted India to initiate a new peace process, Armitage said he was not sure of the reasons.
"All I know is that Vajpayee has made a far-reaching statement in Srinager. I have no doubt that he himself is a man of peace and he wants to have peace for and peace between India and Pakistan. Beyond that I cannot speculate on his motives," he told reporters here. "I think it is something our friends want to make discussion and find it for themselves," he added.
On the chances of the peace process succeeding, he said, "Time will tell. I am cautiously optimistic, the beginning of what might be a very good process." He said there was confidence in India and Pakistan about the ability to address all aspects of their relationship.
"That is the very good basis to move forward," he said.
Bureau Report