Baghdad, May 01: The Commander of US Ground Forces in Iraq urged citizens around the country today to help move the country forward by going back to work, stopping looting and cooperating to build a secure postwar existence. US Lt Gen David Mckiernan made the statement through information radio, the US-led coalition's radio station, which is being broadcast across Iraq.
"The coalition is committed to restoring both security and stability- as well as quickly reconstructing the infrastructure that was destroyed in Iraq," Mckiernan said in remarks read by an announcer in Arabic.

He also promised that anyone misbehaving would be dealt with.
"I call for putting an end to all acts of sabotage and criminal acts including plundering, looting and attacking coalition forces," he said. "I also expect the support and backup of Iraqis to restore stability in their country."

Coalition-sponsored radio has been running frequent announcements exhorting Iraqis to accept US forces and work to restore their country. It also has warned any foreign fighters in Iraq to leave or face arrest.

"Coalition forces alone have authority inside Iraq," Mckiernan said, adding that any checkpoints not supervised by US-led forces are unauthorised
Bureau Report