Srinagar, Nov 06: Jammu and Kashmir Democratic Freedom Party (JKDFP) headed by Shabir Ahmad Shah today said Chief Minister Mufti Mohammad Sayeed should clarify his stand on Kashmir issue and accept its disputed nature and call for its resolution through meaningful dialogue. "On one hand the new chief minister calls for resolution of Kashmir issue and on the other he describes Kashmir as a mini-India. As such he should come out with a clear policy and admit Kashmir as a disputed territory and call for its resolution through meaningful dialogue", JKDFP said in a statement here.
It said Kashmir issue has been the biggest hurdle for everlasting peace and development in the sub-continent for the past half a century. Unless the ground realities are accepted and meaningful dialogue initiated crores of people living in the sub-continent cannot dream of peace, it added. The formation of the government right from Bakshi Ghulam Mohammad to Mufti Mohammad Sayeed were only a "patch-work and cannot change" the status of Kashmir issue or mislead the people, the statement said.
Referring to the statement of the chief minister that the government would not invoke Pota and merge special operations group of local police, JKDFP said Pota and SOG was the creation of the Centre. Even if there was any relaxation in these that cannot in any way affect the Kashmir issue. The statement also criticised Hurriyat Conference for its statements pinning hopes on the new chief minister. Bureau Report