New Delhi: Bollywood actress Parineeti Chopra, who turned a year older on Saturday, is going gaga over another fellow star. The 28-year-old actress has reportedly said that she now wants to collaborate with her cousin Priyanka Chopra. Yes, you read that right.


Recently, when she was asked whether she would like to work together with PeeCee, she told IANS, "wow... I am also waiting for that. If I have a great opportunity to work with her or sing with her that would be something I really want to do, but something really great has to come for both of us to do it together."

On the professional front, the 'Kill Dil' diva hs now started working on Sushant Singh Rajput starrer 'Takadum'

She will also be hitting the silver screen with Ayushmann Khurrana in Yash Raj Films' 'Meri Pyari Bindu'.