Cancun, Sept 12: Opponents of US advocacy for genetically modified foods and of the World Trade Organisation itself disrupted a US trade representative press briefing at a WTO ministerial meeting here. Minutes after deputy US trade representative Peter Allgeier began addressing reporters yesterday, Greenpeace Mexico representative Alejandro Calvillo stood up and delivered a brief statement on the negative effect of US genetically modified organisms (GMOs) on Mexican farmers.
"In Mexico we want to protect our corn, our fields, our livelihood from the transgenic contamination imposed by GMO corn from the United States," Calvillo said. He then left the briefing without incident. But moments later several women stood up, carrying signs in English and Spanish with the message: "WTO kills farmers," prompting angry objections from some reporters who wanted them evicted. They sat down and the conference proceeded.
Calvillo said his action was timed to coincide with the entry into force yesterday of the Cartagena protocol on bio-safety, which allows countries to reject genetically modified organisms. US authorities insist that GMOs are safe and constitute a valuable weapon in the war on hunger.
But according to Calvillo and Greenpeace, genetically modified maize imported from the United States is threatening to contaminate Mexican crops.
Allgeier during the press conference insisted that US trade officials were prepared to talk to protesters provided their approach to the debate was constructive. Bureau Report