Washington, Oct 25: The US has proposed relaxing export controls on computer technology and software and on microprocessor technology, but India would still not be entitled to the same rights as enjoyed by Nato members, Japan, Australia and New Zealand.
In a Federal register notice yesterday, the Department of Commerce's Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) said the change in regulation would let companies provide access to the production technology to foreign nationals working for them both abroad and in the United States.
BIS said existing export controls for the production technology differ from export controls for computers and microprocessors, or chips, in two ways - the countries eligible and the level of performance measured as millions of theoretical operations per second (MTOPS).
Under the proposal, the threshold for computer technology exports would rise to 75,000 MTOPS for a group of 47 countries in a category called "tier 3," including India, China, Egypt, Israel, Russia and Pakistan. The threshold would rise to 150,000 MTOPS for all other countries.

Bureau Report