Bhopal, Oct 09: Lashing out at BJP leader Uma Bharti for accusing Congress president Sonia Gandhi of 'indulging in religious conversion', Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Digvijay Singh today said the charge reflected her 'frustration and inferiority complex'. Asking Bharti to cite a single example of conversion by Sonia, he charged BJP and its leaders with levelling 'false and baseless allegations' and resorting to lies in an attempt to mislead people ahead of the assembly elections.
"Bharti has announced that BJP will fight the polls on development issue but now she is trying to mislead the people by raising the issue of religion and conversion. It shows her frustration and inferiority complex," he said in a statement here.
Describing charges and counter-charges as part of the democratic process, he said allegations should, however, be based on fact in order to ensure healthy politics.
Singh said Bharti should remember that the tribals could avail of the benefits of tendu leaves due to the policy adopted by the Congress government much before Sunderlal Patwa-led BJP government came to power in the state.
During Patwa's rule the policy was changed in order to benefit a few traders and government lost Rs 212 crore because of it, he claimed.
Bureau Report