Manila, Aug 15: A civilian commission investigating last month's failed coup attempt suspended hearings today after military officers allegedly involved refused to testify, claiming they were being subjected to an inquisition. In a letter to the commission, five officers and their lawyers protested the "adversarial if not prosecutorial behavior" of commission counsel Mario Ongkiko when he questioned two alleged ringleaders of the mutiny Wednesday.

In their letter, they also claimed Ongkiko and the commission prevented the officers from fully answering questions by stopping them midway in their testimonies, showing the "mindset of the commission in favour of the administration" of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo.

They also complained about the "overprotective attitude" of the commission toward arroyo, citing the instance when commission members reprimanded Navy Lt. Senior grade Antonio Trillanes for calling arroyo arrogant. They said the commission also prevented the officers from making "political statements." "The hearing is in effect a fishing expedition for the administration since the testimony of the witnesses can be used against them in a court of law," they said.

Bureau Report