Hazaribagh (Jharkhand), Apr 12: External affairs minister Yashwant Sinha today suggested reconstruction of post-war Iraq under UN supervision in which India should have an active role to play. Welcoming Russia's stand on rebuilding the war-ravaged west Asian nation under the aegis of the UN, Sinha told reporters here that India strongly favours reconstruction efforts to be undertaken under the guidance of the UN.
Asked if New Delhi would support any new regime in Iraq after the fall of Saddam Hussain, Sinha said 'we are closely watching the situation and we will act appropriately at an appropriate time'.
Stating that among the Gulf nations, India's relations with Iraq were the best, he said shared commitment of the two nations to secularism provided sound basis for it.
Sinha said the war on Iraq would have little impact on Indian economy and it will have virtually no impact on the inflow of petroleum products.
In reply to another question, Sinha reiterated Pakistan is fitter case than Iraq for pre-emptive strike as it (Pakistan) has destructive nuclear centres already known to US, besides Islamabad is also engaged in proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.
Pakistan has emerged as the epicentre of international terrorism and has been promoting cross-border terrorism in India and sheltering al Qaeda militants, he said.
Sinha maintained despite its strong opposition to US-led attack on Iraq, India's relations with the us had not worsened. The course of indo-us relations cannot be determined by any single issue, he said. Bureau Report