Washington, May 20: US prison guards are smiling and giving the thumbs-up over the body of an unknown prisoner in Iraq's Abu Ghraib jail, in new pictures broadcast by US media today. The photos show army specialist Charles Graner grinning with his thumbs up as he peers into the camera over an unidentified body lying on a black body bag.
A second, almost identical picture was taken of specialist Sabrina Harman over the same body. Both were shown on a US channel.
Both photographed soldiers are among seven us guards at Abu Ghraib charged with prisoner abuse. One of them, Jeremy Sivits, was sentenced to one year in jail yesterday in Baghdad, in the first courts martial over the prisoner abuse scandal.
Channel said the photos, which have not been authenticated, surfaced following Sivits' courts martial in Iraq.
Numerous photographs of US soldiers posing before naked, hooded and often handcuffed Iraqi prisoners at Abu Ghraib have made the round of international media since last month.
Hundreds more have been shown only to US lawmakers and kept by the Pentagon as evidence in upcoming courts-martial.
The Pentagon yesterday informed a Senate committee by letter that it had located another disc with 24 digital photographs of "apparent abusive acts by US forces."
Thirteen of the pictures on the disc "appear to be images already seen on international television media," the Pentagon said in its letter, adding that it was not clear whether the images were genuine or fakes.
Bureau Report