Hyderabad, July 14: A top PWG woman naxalite carrying a reward of Rs three lakh on her head today surrendered before the police. Chandrakala alias Bharathi, who was wanted in connection with 24 cases including six murders, was in-charge of divisional committee of Warangal and Khammam districts of Andhra Pradesh, Director General of Police P Ramulu told reporters here.
Popularly known as Bharathakka in party circles, she was the wife of prominent naxal leader P Sudarshan Reddy alias RK, who died in an exchange of fire in Adilabad district recently, the DGP said.
Bharathakka, who was produced before the mediapersons, said she wanted to live a normal life and therefore decided to surrender after the death of her husband. Her health was also deteriorating, she said.
Replying to a question, the naxal, who was in the movement since a decade, said the party is losing ground and popular support of the people in the villages, particularly in north Telangana region.
Referring to recruitment in the movement, Bharathakka said it has come down drastically.
In the wake of police pressure and non-cooperation of the villagers, the party is now mostly concerned with self protection and preservation, she said adding it also decided to withdraw the local guerilla squads (LGS) from the plain areas and merge them into one group to move in the forest area to protect their cadres. Bureau Report