Mumbai, July 20: Research firm Gartner feels that the backlash against India or Indian IT professionals will die a natural death by the end of 2004. Addressing a press conference on the issue here, analysts from the research firm said, “ It is not a major trend yet and is being triggered by the current economic slowdown in US.
The unemployment levels in US are the highest that the country has seen in a long time, some of this backlash is coming from the people who have lost their jobs.”
The US economy will improve over a period of time, and as the situation improves the backlash will disappear. Gartner analysts were confident that there is a 70% probability of the backlash ebbing away by the end of 2004.

Gartner officials stressed the point that economic decisions in the US are made at corporate levels and offshore outsourcing is one such decision. The US government will not pass any legislation which will affect the decision making powers of US companies. Bureau Report