New Delhi, Sept 28: Former Uttar Pradesh minister Amarmani Tripathi, allegedly involved in the conspiracy behind poetess Madhumita Shukla's murder, had a taste of the CBI lockup after he allegedly feigned illness to every question put by interrogators. Tripathi was kept in the cell, set up by the agency in the ground floor of its headquarter here, after he tried the patience of CBI sleuths yesterday over whether to perform the lie detector test or not.
Normally, CBI keeps its accused in good rooms to give a comfort level for speaking out the truth. The former UP minister in the Mayawati cabinet has been shying away from almost all questions relating to the conspiracy theory in the killing of the 24-year-old poetess, agency sources said.
For days now, Tripathi has been changing statements about whether to undergo the polygraph test or not thus keeping the CBI sleuths on tenterhooks. So the agency decided to keep him inside the jail and not ask him much questions due to his insistence on not being well, CBI sources said.
CBI claims it has a water-tight case against the UP legislator. Its director P C Sharma had also said in a radio interview that the agency had got scientific and circumstantial evidence besides evidence in the form of statements of witnesses which raise very grave suspicion against Tripathi. Bureau Report