Los Angeles, Jan 07: Three-time Oscar-winning movie director Steven Spielberg will this week become the first tinseltown personality to receive a coveted star on Hollywood's ‘Walk of Fame’ in 2003, officials said. The maker of such blockbusters as "Jaws" (1975), "E.T: The Extraterrestrial," (1982) and "Raiders of The Lost Ark" (1981) will win his place on Los Angeles' Hollywood boulevard at a ceremony on Friday. "We are very pleased that Steven can join us for this ceremony," said Hollywood's honorary mayor Johnny Grant. "This is one we have been looking forward to for a long time!" he added yesterday. Spielberg has directed, produced or executive produced eight of the 30 top-grossing movies of all time, including "Jurassic Park" (1993) and "E.T," as well as his alien spectacular "close encounters of the third kind" (1977)
The film-maker has won two Oscars for his true nazi-era story "Schindler's List" (1993) -- as best director and for best picture -- and a third as best director for his World War II drama, "Saving Private Ryan" (1998).
Spielberg is strongly tipped to be nominated this year for best director for his new action adventure picture "Catch Me If You Can" or for his science fiction thriller "Minority Report" starring Tom Cruise.

Bureau Report