Mumbai, Aug 17: Piracy has become the root cause of the battle for survival for the Indian film industry, according to noted film maker Yash Chopra.

Replying to felicitation accorded to him by the All India Association of Industries (AIAI) for his great contribution to cinema here last evening, Chopra said the film industry will have to fight this battle on a war footing. Urging the film industry to make use of the developments in science and technology, he appealed to the technologists to aid the industry in its fight against piracy.

Film makers must realise that they would have to move with the changing times and make use of available technology to make slick films, Chopra said. Film making is a composition of various art forms put together and a director needs to have the aesthetic sense, the knowledge and fine tuned sensibilities to put together everything while making a film, Chopra said.

Earlier, the AIAI felicitated the film maker by presenting him a shawl, while Tushar Gandhi, grandson of Mahatma Gandhi, presented the film director with a small memento. The AIAI also felicitated Rachel Dwrey, a British film scholar, who authored a book titled Yash Chopra.
Describing Chopra as an ambassador of Indian culture, Rachel remarked that Hindi cinema, which was a representative of Indian culture, had moved away from the popular perception of running around the trees to being something more deep and sensitive.

Bureau Report