Jammu, May 04: Panthers Party chief Bhim Singh today denied former Jammu and Kashmir chief minister Farooq Abdullah's claim that he had approached the NC leader seeking support to form an alternative government in the state after toppling the Mufti Mohammad Sayeed government. "There is no truth in the statement of Abdullah....there is no reason to topple the present coalition government," he answered when asked for his reaction to Abdullah's statement. "Panthers Party is in the coalition government on our own choice and for betterment of people of the state," he said. "In fact, it is part of the NC's attempt to destabilise the coalition government. Abdullah is trying to create confusion in the coalition government as well as among its partners," he said.

Though Abdullah and his son Omar Abdullah claim they would not topple the government," virtually they are trying their best to bring down the government by such statements," Singh alleged.

"While Farooq says Panther Party wants to topple the government to form its own, his son Omar says they would form the government with Congress support," he said and asked "whom should one believe?"

"The coalition government is the first in the state and is a historical experiment. We want to succeed in this experiment. If Vajpayee can run the government of 26-odd parties, why cannot we run a government of four partners?"

Earlier in the day, Abdullah claimed that Singh "came to me and sought the support of my party to form an alternative government after he had toppled the Sayeed government in the state."

Bureau Report