America's war against terrorism has come as a blessing for all US aid projects in India. After lifting the sanctions, Washington has signaled unprecedented increase in volume of US Overseas Development Aid to New Delhi. A confidential note of the Department of Economic Affairs sent to the Prime Minister's Office says that all US-aided NGOs and development projects in India are likely to get unprecedented aid as result of both waiver of sanction and as an expression of appreciation of New Delhi's strong support in the current American initiative against terrorism. The note of the Finance Ministry reveals that during discussion with US authorities it was indicated that US AID expects a substantial increase in volume of ODA to India.
" No figures can be cited now as the Appropriation Bill relating to foreign assistance is yet to be passed by the US legislators, " the report says. It also refers to the 39 blacklisted Indian corporate giants by the US which will now have free access to all technological corporation with the US after the sanctions are lifted.
The note says that even when sanctions were imposed Washington excluded some high-priority development projects from its list.
Similarly after former US President Bill Clinton's visit Washington lifted the restriction on supply of spares and repairs of Sea King Helicopters. Early this year, a fleet of these choppers received fresh supply of spares from America. Besides two new agreements were signed by US aid authorities. For instance, Aids control through NACO's Avert programme received funds worth US $ 41.5 million. Energy Conservation and Management project was given aid of US $ 25 million.
The officials have also hinted that several other projects like population control project in UP and child and women care related programme in other states will get fresh lease.