New Delhi, Jan 02: Taking exception to the VHP's attack on Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee over his interpretation of Hindutva, the BJP on Thursday asserted Hindutva was never a means for gaining power.

"Hindutva is not a religion but a way of life. Every section of the society is proud to be part of that culture. Hindutva cannot be a clone of Islamic fundamentalism in Pakistan. The barbaric incident at Godhra was not a secular act but what happened thereafter was also not Hindutva," party spokesman Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi said. Earlier in the day, VHP leader Acharya Giriraj Kishore had attacked Vajpayee saying those ready to make "compromises to save their chair had no right to make comments on Hindutva."

"Neither Hindutva nor cultural nationalism are issues of politics or means of gaining power for BJP, the way pseudo-secularism is for many political parties," Naqvi said.

He, however, clarified that Vajpayee's Goa musings had referred to the "broader aspects" of Hindutva and not any particular organisation.

On VHP's attack on Deputy Prime Minister L K Advani for drawing political mileage through his Rathyatra, Naqvi said, "the Yatra was aimed at creating cultural awareness. It was not for religious or political purposes."

Asked about VHP's ultimatum to the government to hand over to it the "undisputed" acquired land in Ayodhya, Naqvi said, "it is our view that the issue should be solved either through mutual understanding or through a judicial verdict." Bureau Report