Only a "diplomatic miracle" can avert looming war between Pakistan and India, analysts said on Friday as the two nuclear-armed rivals remained locked in an eyeball-to-eyeball confrontation on the border. "Any tactical or defensive move by one side may be perceived as a strategic threat by the other and trigger an explosion," said noted defence analyst Hassan Askari Rizvi.

"It is a very, very dangerous standoff. Guns may start roaring any time unless the world powers and the United Nations use their good offices to perform a diplomatic miracle by defusing tension," Rizvi said.

"The world powers should convince India that Pakistan is already taking measures to restrain the militant Islamic groups and therefore a dialogue on the contentious issues will be desirable." As both armies mounted build-ups along the border, India raised the stakes Thursday by imposing diplomatic and aviation sanctions against Pakistan, which swiftly ordered a matching response.

The tit-for-tat measures included banning each other's airlines from their skies, slashing the strength of embassies in New Delhi and Islamabad by half and restricting the movement of diplomats and staff within the capitals. Bureau Report