Bhopal, Nov 12: Madhya Pradesh Deputy Chief Ministers Jamuna Devi and Subhash Yadav, BJP National General Secretary Shivraj Singh Chauhan and some other state ministers were among the candidates who filed nominations for the December one assembly elections on the fourth day of filing papers today. A total of 312 candidates had filed nominations for elections to the 230-member assembly in the state till yesterday and today some 50 aspirants were estimated to have filed their papers while compilation was still in process. Details from most of the districts are awaited. Chauhan filed his papers from the prestigious Raghogarh constituency in Guna district where he is facing Digvijay Singh.

Yadav filed papers form Kasrawad in Khargone district as Congress candidate while former MP Rameshwar Patidar filed papers as BJP nominee to contest against him.

Deputy Chief Minister Jamuna Devi filed her nomination papers from Kukshi assembly seat in Dhar district where she is to face former transport minister Pratap Singh Baghel who quit Congress and joined BJP only last week.

Swami Lodhi, elder brother of BJP's chief ministerial candidate Uma Bharti, filed his papers from Pichhore constituency in Shivpuri district. Lodhi, who represented Bada Malehra in Chhatarpur district from where Bharti is contesting this time, is pitted against senior Congress leader and Gramodyog Minister K P Singh.

Bureau Report