Chennai, Dec 26: BJP Tamil Nadu unit today said it was not averse for a poll tie up with like minded parties for the next Lok Sabha polls in the state. State unit president C P Radhakrishnan, told reporters that the party's doors were open for any party, which accepted the leadership of the Prime Minister A B Vajpayee for the next parliamentary polls. "Our poll plank will be the achievements of the NDA government and hence any party, which accepts the leadership of Vajpayee, can join our front", he said. He further said that his party has maintained equi-distance from both the DMK and the AIADMK. He said DMK's reasoning for quitting the NDA was not good. "They have decided to quit and are going in search of reasons for their decision", he said and expressed his happiness over the PMK's decision to continue in the NDA and appealed to the MDMK to take the same decision. "We want all our allies to be with us", he said. He said the political parties in Tamil Nadu should speak in one voice to get justice to the state on the Cauvery issue. "Unfortunately, political parties here are divided on the issue", he said. He said that the political parties were 'unnecessarily' blaming Vajpayee on the Cauvery issue, forgetting the fact it was he who had taken the intiative to form the Cauvery River Water Authority. Bureau Report