Washington, Feb 3: U.S. President George W. Bush's job approval rating dropped below 50 per cent, and Americans were evenly split over the war in Iraq, according to a poll released. The President's job approval rating fell to 49 per cent, the first time it was under 50 per cent, the poll showed. Bush's rating was at 60 per cent a month ago after the capture of former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein.
But now, Americans were more divided about the war in Iraq, with 49 per cent saying it was worth invading the country and 49 per cent saying it was not. That number also marked the first time that less than half approved of the war.
Fifty-four per cent of the 1,001 adults polled said they did not think Bush deliberately misled the country about Iraq's alleged weapons of mass destruction. The poll also pitted the democratic presidential hopefuls against Bush in a hypothetical head-to-head election.
Of the 562 likely voters polled, 53 per cent picked Massachusetts Senator John Kerry, who is the frontrunner to earn his party's nomination to oppose Bush in the November election. Bush received 46 per cent, with the margin of error being 4 per cent.
Kerry was the only democratic candidate who beat Bush in the poll.
Bureau Report