Cricket Board president Jagmohan Dalmiya will meet sports minister Uma Bharti and other government officials next week to discuss cricketing ties with Pakistan following the International Cricket Council's strong view on India's continued refusal to play with its neighbour. "The matter was discussed in the executive bmeeting in Cape Town. I will be meeting the government officials sometime next week to know their views", Dalmiya told a press conference on Saturday.

ICC had taken a strong view of India's continued refusal to play cricket against Pakistan and had threatened severe action if the cricket-specific policy was not changed. Some members of the Board even suggested harsh punishment to the Indian Board for repeatedly refusing to play against Pakistan.

Dalmiya said that England and Wales Cricket Board chairman Lord Ian MacLaurin raised the point at the meeting and wanted all other countries to severe cricketing ties with India for refusing to play Pakistan for such a long time. "He (MacLaurin) wanted to know the rationale behind allowing ties in all other sports with Pakistan, except cricket. We had to express our helplessness on the issue," Dalmiya said.

Dalmiya said that the executive bexpressed concern that only the game of cricket was singled out by the Indian side as it continued to play other sports with Pakistan. Bureau Report