London, June 04: Faced with an acute shortage of manpower, the London police plans to recruit over 7,000 men from India and other Commonwealth countries. According to Sir John Stevens, commissioner of the metropolitan police, the recruitment would be on the pattern of National Health Service (NHS) to attract medical staff.
As far as recruitment to the police force is concerned, it will be short-term contracts and the recruits would have to have a good command of English and be prepared to take an oath to the queen, he said.
I am asking our recruiting people to look at recruiting abroad and this will be similar to the NHS recruitment of medical staff and nurses. This will help with ethnic minorities... We will be looking at commonwealth countries and use short-term contracts. Sir Stevens said in an interview published in 'The Times' today. Commonwealth countries would be the most likely targets because for most English is the common language. He said the Scotland Yard needed thousands of new officers for an expanding city and give the public the policemen on the beat they wanted to see.
Bureau Report