Kenya's woes in the triangular one-day series were compounded on Tuesday when their captain Maurice Odumbe was suspended for two games for his outbursts against the umpire after the defeat to South Africa in Kimberly on Sunday. And when he was going for the official hearing with match referee Ahmed Ebrahim Tuesday morning, Kenyan manager Mahmood Querishey, accompanying him, suffered a heart attack.
Querishey was given sorbetrate by Indian manager Mahendra Kumar Bhargava, a timely help as the attending doctor on Kenyan manager later described.
Odumbe would miss Wednesday’s day-night match against India at Port Elizabeth at St George's Park and also not play against South Africa at Newlands in Cape Town on October 22. He would now be available to the Kenyans only against India in the final league game at Paarl on October 24. After Sunday's match, Odumbe had referred to umpire Dave Orchard as the one gentleman out there who was not friendly towards us.
If a bowler asks an umpire to move back a bit from his position and is told 'I did not come here to listen to your bullshit' then you know you're up against it. “I will put that in my report to the match referee”, Odumbe had said. Though Odumbe did not name Orchard, he said the umpire he was referring to was not standing at the end from which he (Odumbe) was bowling.
Bureau Report