New Delhi, Apr 27: Even before the Lakme India Fashion Week 2004 began here today, reports of some famed male models "walking out" surfaced with organisers of the event, FDCI, calling the unsavoury event "unfortunate". Confirming reports that three male models - Aditya Bal, Ajay Balhara and Muzamil - had "walked out", executive director of Fashion Design Council of India (FDCI) Vinod Kaul said, "what happened is unfortunate."
Declining to give details of the course of event leading to the walking out of the male models, Kaul said, "the issues were very personal and it happened during the fittings session few days back".
He also said that FDCI was considering setting standards for the fashion industry and models.
Kaul said the domestic fashion industry had more of womenswear and most designers' creations catered to the women folk. "There is little opportunity for the male models," he said adding that FDCI was making efforts to develop menswear.
As of now Rohit Bal is the only designer who has collections for men and is using 40 male model for his show in LIFW this time, he said.
Of the 16 models picked by FDCI only 13 would walk the ramp now.
Bureau Report