New Delhi, Dec 10: The Delhi High Court today pulled up the city police for its "laxity" in detecting and deporting lakhs of Bangladeshis illegally living in the capital and asked it to get ready with a plan to deal with the problem. "We are not satisfied with your submission. Get ready with the plan," a division bench of Chief Justice B C Patel and Justice A K Sikri observed and posted the matter for hearing on Wednesday next.
"What is this? One fifth of Delhi's population is from Bangladesh......It is very unfortunate that this is happening in this country. You go anywhere you will not find this kind of thing," the bench observed.
Earlier, counsel V K Shali, representing Delhi Police submitted that the cops were facing "practical problems" in deporting the Bangladeshis.
Shali informed the court that 10 teams have been set up for the job. He, however, said that the members of the team were also doing other routine duties.
Piqued over the city police dilly-dallying on its order on detection and deportation of lakhs of illegal Bangladeshis living here, the court had on November 18 threatened to take coercive steps against the erring officials if its order was not implemented within three weeks.
The bench, which had on September 24 last directed Delhi government and the city police to deport 100 Bangladeshis every day as per a plan approved by it and file a monthly report, was perturbed over its non-compliance. Bureau Report