Srinagar, July 27: Jammu and Kashmir government has made elaborate transport and other arrangements to cope up with the rush of pilgrims to the holy cave shrine of Amarnath. The Jammu and Kashmir State Road Transport Corporation (JKSRTC) has been plying over 150 buses directly from Jammu to Pahalgam, Jammu to Baltal, Srinagar to Phalgam and Baltal daily, state minister for transport and information Ajatshatru Singh said in a meeting convened to review the arrangements for Amarnath pilgrims. The corporation has also deployed some buses at Srinagar airport for the convenience of those pilgrims travelling by air.

Public address system has been installed at a number of places including M A M Stadium, Jammu, the base camp, Pahalgam, Chandanwari, Sheshnag, Panjtarni Baltal and at the cave site. The information department has also set up a mobile public address system at Pahalgam.

Bureau Report