Kolkata, Oct 08: Viswa Hindu Parishad's international vice-president, Acharya Giriraj Kishore today claimed that he had been assured by the Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mulayam Singh Yadav that he would help in building the Ram temple at Ayodhya once he came to power in the state. ''About a year ago, I met Mulayam at the marriage ceremony of Vasundhara Raje's son in Delhi. He told me: If I come to the saddle in U P, then I shall be the one to construct the Ram temple, not your (VHP) men,'' he told newsmen here.
While admitting that statements of politicians should not be taken in the face value, he said, however, ''I find Mulayam a changed man. I think he will not be as rash as he was.''
Stating that the chief secretary of Uttar Pradesh has recently assured that those visiting the disputed site for worship of Ramlala would not be prevented, Kishore said that he expected construction of the Ram temple to begin in the next three years.
Accusing the NDA government of backtracking on its promise for a legislation on the Ram Janmabhoomi, he said that the BJP had also not fulfilled its election promise of withdrawal of Article 370 and introduction of an uniform civil code.
Bureau Report