Perching on the high hills of North Eastern corner, Mizoram is a storehouse of natural beauty with its endless variety of landscapes, hilly terrain, meandering streams, deep gorges, rich wealth of flora and fauna. Flanked by Bangladesh on the west and Myanmar on the east and south, Mizoram occupies an importance strategic position having a long international boundary of 722 Kms.
World-renowed for their hospitality, Mizos are a close-knit society with no class distinction and no discrimination on grounds of sex. The entire society is knitted together by a peculiar code of ethics `Tlawmngaihna` an Untranslatable term meaning on the part of everyone to be hospitable kind, unselfish and helpful to others.
Mizoram became the 23rd State of the Union in February 1987. It was one of the districts of Assam till 1972 when it became Union Territory. Sandwiched between Myanmar in the east and south and Bangladesh in the west, Mizoram occupies an area of great strategic importance in the north-eastern corner of India. It has a total of 722 Km boundary with Myanmar and Bangladesh.

Bureau Report