Talks between the Peruvian government and the Opposition on resolving the country's political crisis has been suspended, a representative of the OAS announced. Organization of American States (OAS) special envoy Eduardo Latorre told reporters here that the two sides could not agree on a date for new elections.
“The negotiations have been suspended because the last meeting between the parties failed to produce any forward movement,” Latorre said.
Political tensions rose considerably in Peru on Monday, after a surprise return to the country of former intelligence chief Vladimiro Montesinos, implicated in a corruption scandal.
Leading Opposition politicians are now demanding the immediate resignation of President Alberto Fujimori.
Montesinos fled to Panama last month in the wake of a corruption scandal, in which he was accused of offering a 15,000-dollar bribe to an opposition legislator to induce him to join the pro-government bloc in Parliament.
That scandal prompted Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori to announce he would call early presidential and parliamentary elections, in which he said he would not himself stand for re-election.
The OAS-sponsored dialogue was aimed at finding a way to hold elections free of government intrusion and create conditions for a smooth transition to a new government.
But Montesinos sudden return has thrown Peruvian politics in turmoil.

Bureau Report